Friday, February 12, 2010

Ugh, Fridays

Ugh, Fridays always slow me down. I'm on a bowling league and Friday night is bowling night. But even without bowling Fridays are always hectic around here and I don't even know why; they just are. Adding the bowling on top of all the craziness just makes writing on Fridays not very feasible. I hate losing the day, or night in my case, but I enjoy bowling. I should actually be working on my novel right now but I have the stress of the day hanging on me and my brain isn't in fiction writing mode. It's a terrible thing. Though blogging really helps me relieve stress, so I am sure once I have finished here I will get a couple hours in on my novel.

Surprisingly this week has been fairly stress free, notice how many days I've not blogged this week. Tonight made up for the lost stress of the week. My nephew was exceptionally bad at the bowling alley, my mom was bitchy as ever, as was my sister but what takes the cake is my sister's boyfriend. He just gets under my skin so bad that sometimes I just want to knock his 'I know everything and that makes me better than you' ass into next week. I don't even know why he bowls and, of course, he is on my team. The tiniest thing triggers him into a bad mood and as soon as he's mad he purposely throws gutter balls. He actually looks for things to make him mad, too. His last game of the night tonight was a 47, seriously. My nephew can score higher than a 47. That averages out to less than 5 pins a frame. It just unnerves me. Why, why, why paid to bowl on a league if you are not going to do the best you can? The league isn't as formal or serious as a normal one, it's more laid back and is suppose to be 'fun' (that's why I joined) but still if you pay why purposely play like crap?

Anyways, this week I finish writing the chapter I was working on and I've also did some editing and revising on it but I'm sure there will be more of that later on also. I am very happy with what I've gotten accomplished this week.

Sorry about the bit of foul language, hope it didn't offend anyone. I'm off to get some writing done :-)

1 comment:

  1. The interesting part of this is, and I quote "knock his 'I know everything and that makes me better than you' ass into next week." LOL!! That sounds JUST like something I would say!!

    Happy writing!!
