Saturday, February 6, 2010

My nephew, the sun and I

I spent a good amount of my time outside today with my nephew, it was fun but now my head is pounding. I love being out doors, I especially love going to the beach, but my body does not like the sun. If I'm out in the sun, for even just a couple of hours with sun block on, I get terrible headaches and my skin starts itching and gets like a rash type thing (like almost water blisters but different). My grandfather had the same condition and so does my mother, I guess it's like a type of allergy but I've never had it diagnosed. It's extremely annoying but pretty much manageable with long sleeves and pants or just plain avoiding the sunlight, lol. This is probably one of the main reasons why I prefer the hours of night. As much as I love being outside and seeing the beauty of everything bathed in the light of the sun, Florida is just not the ideal place for long sleeve and pants all year long.

Sure there are days, like today, that I spend outside taking in every ounce of light that touches me and enjoying every moment of it but the consequences of that enjoyment just plain suck. So, I just try to avoid sunlight. Terrible, right? But, then again, things could be worse and so I try to think more positively, like I had fun and so did my nephew. He played in his sandbox, on the swing, and ran around all over the place while I chased him. We laughed and sang along with the songs that played on the radio. Isn't that worth a little bit of skin irritation and a headache? I think it is :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm a 'night owl' - all my best ideas hit me after dark. I can't take too much sun either. Maybe some of us are nocturnal... creatures of the night... !
    Leigh Russell (Cut Short)
