Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Writer Wednesday: Week Fifty

Hey, everyone! Who missed me? No one? Eh, that's okay. Anyway, long time, no posts. I could make excuses . . . I mean, at first I had a legitimate reason. After a week of no posts, it got easy just to 'forget' to post. Let see, I had my appendix removed (y'all knew that), recovery time, I was tired for the entire week following that. Well, when I got to the point that I knew I should get back to posting, I ended up with an infected tooth, and that kind of knocked me on my ass harder than the surgery did. Like pain to the point I was in tears; I'm still on antibiotics and 800mg Ibuprofen for it. Looking for a dentist that might be open to remove some teeth—not sure with what money, I haven't sold a book in months and I've not gotten much proofreading work. I had a formatting job, but that was one, and formatting doesn't pay close to proofreading. This writing and writing world gig isn't turning out to be any kinds of profitable. Oh well. But we're not here for me and my whining. We're here for the much-delayed Writer Wednesday post that I've put off far too long.

So, the featured author for Writer Wednesday: Week Fifty is Fantasy author K.V. Wilson. Her books are awesome, and I actually finished reading Guardian while sitting in the hospital pre and post-surgery. K.V. is definitely an author that deserves support, so go buy her books. I'm looking forward to diving into Incarnate just as soon as I can. You can find K.V. Wilson and her works at the following links below:

K.V. Wilson's Facebook Author Page

K.V. Wilson's Website

K.V. Wilson's Amazon Author Page


Spiritborne (Book One of the Spirits' War Trilogy)

Guardian (Book Two of the Spirits' War Trilogy)

Incarnate (Book Three of the Spirits' War Trilogy)

OMP: Fantasy

The Contraption

Thanks for coming back to join me this week. Sorry, I whined a bit at the beginning, but please do check out K.V.'s work. I hope to see you all again next week. Remember, support indie authors by purchasing their work legitimately and leaving them reviews anywhere you can—Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub . . . Even telling your Facebook and other social media people about their works in posts is awesome too. Indie authors need readers' help to find new readers. ♥

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