Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Writer Wednesday: Week Forty-nine

For those of you unaware, I'm running behind schedule on this week's Writer Wednesday post. Busy week. Lots of stuff going on, but it's not like I'm out and about. Not that I ever really was, because I'm pretty much a shut-in. I've trained years for what people are currently doing—self-isolation. Other than that, I hope everyone is okay.

So, this week is Week Forty-nine of Writer Wednesday. And yet again, it isn't a single author being featured but an entire group, some of which have been individually featured in this series in the past. So, the feature for this week is the group WPaD or what is also known as Writers, Poets, and Deviants. I love this group. They've put out multiple anthologies, and they have a new one coming out in a couple of months. I have a couple of stories in the newer releases from the past couple of years. Partial profits from the sales of these anthologies go toward MS research. So, you get great stories and get to help out a great cause all at the same time, who wouldn't love that. What are you waiting for? Get to clicking on the links to find out more about WPaD, its authors, and its anthology.

WPaD Facebook Page

WPaD Twitter

WPaD Website

WPaD Amazon Author Page


Goin' Extinct: Tales From the Edge of Oblivion

Creepies: Twisted Tales from Beneath the Bed

Creepies 2: Things that Go Bump in the Closet

Creepies 3: Nightmares on Deviant Street

Strange Adventures in a Deviant Universe: WPaD Science Fiction

Weirder Tales: An Omnibus of Odd Ditties

Nocturnal Desires: Erotic Tales from the Sensual Soul

Dragons and Dreams: A Fantasy Anthology

Passion's Prism: Tales of Love and Romance

Tinsel Tales: A Holiday Treasury

Tinsel Tales 2: Holiday Hootenanny

Thanks for joining me this week for Week Forty-nine of Writer Wednesday. I hope to see you all again next week (we have an awesome fantasy writer queued for Week Fifty). Remember, support indie authors and leave reviews for their works. Every review helps an author out.

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