Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Writer Wednesday: Week Nine

Woohoo! We've reached week nine of Writer Wednesday. Everyone's good, I hope? So, there are a couple of differences this week. First off, we have our first male author featured. Not sure how it took so long, but I used a random name selector, so we'll blame it. Secondly, this author doesn't have any purchasable works. I think he's trying his hand at traditional publishing. That doesn't me we can't support him, and I have all the hope in the world for him to achieve his goal.

So, here we go. You folks ready for an awesome horror writer?

This week's featured author is Brian Bogart. I met Brian on Write On (a site ran by Amazon Kindle which is no longer around) where I found his story 'LILY'. I LOVE 'LILY'. LOVE IT. I'd died to get a copy in paperback, but as said above, Brian doesn't have any purchasable works . . . yet. He's been working on a book called 'The Feral Effect' about a small town that has an illness spreading, making the residence—starting with the children—violent and messed up (kind of a zombie-type vibe but not quite), and it's turning into a pretty good read, as well.

Brian also runs a blog and does reviews for Kendall Reviews. He's had a bit of radio silence for the most part lately, but I'm certain he'll be back shortly. You can find Brian and show him your support at the following places:

Brian Bogart's Facebook Page

Brian's Twitter 

Brian's Wattpad (If you're not on Wattpad, I'd seriously think about starting an account just to read his books LILY and The Feral Effect)

Brian's Blog

Kendall Reviews

Oh, also, you can check out Brian's short story 'TOCSIN' in OMP: Thriller anthology, which is sold for charity. Great story, by the way. An Alice in Wonderland tale with a twist.

Thanks for joining me this week. If y'all could share this to Facebook, Twitter, wherever that'd be awesome. Remember we're trying to drum up support for authors, so the more who see these posts the better. See everyone next week for Week Ten.

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