Saturday, May 11, 2019

Snippet Saturday: Silly Humans, Emotions are for Vampires

Daphne was unfamiliar with the tools with the exception of a scalpel that lay next to the silver contraption. A rib-spreader? Daphne guessed. She did notice the lack of sanitary supplies—alcohol, iodine, etc.
“I believe we’re ready. Mrs. Stone, she still sniveling? You’d think humans would be less … emotional? Death is their inevitable end. I don’t understand why they are so affected by the course of life,” Calvin said in disgust.
“You may want to keep it down, Cal. What if she hears you?”
“So what? If we as a species can control our emotions then they should be able to do so, too. We have far more time to develop lasting relationships. I have more right to emotional outbursts than a mere human who lives far too short a life to feel so deeply.”
She didn’t know what to think of his words. A reply sat on the end of her tongue. Something along the lines of the short lives of a human may very well be the reason they feel as deeply as they do. The lack of time forcing them to hold onto every little thing that much tighter, but she just shook her head, not wanting an argument. She took her place on the other side of Terry, across from Calvin and right next to the tray that had been set up in her absence.
“Now, hand me the scalpel,” Calvin said.
“You’re not going to use any antiseptic? No pain meds, either?” Daphne asked, but she complied with his request.
“If he transforms, he won’t need it. If not, well, he’ll be dead, and what good will it do him?” Calvin pressed the blade of the scalpel into the divot of Terry’s collarbone.
            Blood wept from the incision. Daphne restrained herself, refusing to bend down and lap at the pooling crimson.

*Today's Snippet Saturday comes from my short story 'To Save Lives', which is available on Amazon.

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