Friday, July 26, 2019

Short Story Saturday: Punch


“You know that sense of relief when you punch the heavy bag, Eric?” I say as I screw the large eye-bolt in place.

Not waiting for his reply, I continue working on getting my bag just right to hang. Damn, do I have some pent-up anger and stress. It's taking everything within me not to pulverize the thing while it's still sitting on the table, but I can't wait to see how well my new bag will hold up, which means I need to get it hung. The last two gave out on me so quickly. This will be my third one in as many months. I wonder if coating it with something will make it last longer. I decide against it because I really don't want to throw off the feel of it. I need it authentic.

“The stress just kind of melts away, but it doesn't do the job all the way. You know what I'm talking about, man?” I sigh at the thought of how good this new bag’s going to feel. I've been waiting so long to take a hit at this beauty.

I wonder how much resistance it'll have? How much give?

I heft it up into one arm. The damn thing's so much heavier than my last. It's a bit slick, yet sticky, all at the same time, and it takes some work to keep a hold on it. I adjust the bulk in my arm, using my other hand to steady it before reaching high for the swivel chain. I'm able to hook the carabiner clip to the eye-bolt on the second try.

“What do you think, Eric?” I stand back and admire my work.

I'm not crazy enough to think he's going to answer as he hangs there in front of me. I've sawed off his arms and legs, leaving just his torso. His head's still attached, of course. Where else would the eye-bolt screw in? He died of blood loss long before I could get the bolt threaded into his skull.

I think about putting on my gloves, but I'm too excited. I swing; my punch makes contact with his left side. It gives slightly but not too much. My new bag sways to and fro, and I smile to myself.

“Ah, perfect.”

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