Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm still here

I just wanted to say that I haven't completely fell of the edge of the world, yet. I'm still around and I don't really have a good reason for not posting in forever. Things haven't been entirely up to par for me recently. Every time I think I get one step ahead, someone comes along and pulls me two steps back. I'll make it through, I always have. If there was a way to get out of this situation that I've been stuck in the past four years, I would take it. Until then, I will continue to work at pulling myself out tooth and nail. And that's how you tell I'm in a slump, all the damned cliches. Oh well. I felt it necessary to tell everyone that I didn't forget about this blog. I'm not entirely sure why, probably the same reason I feel it's necessary to say yes to a favor I'd rather not do, lol. Though, that's not exactly right because I want to write, be it on my novel, a poem or a blog. But I have thought several times about doing a blog post and I just keep putting it off until I forget. Ah, the king of wishful thinking cannot also be the queen of procrastination. Things don't work that way. So, yeah, I'm not going to say things are good because that would be lying but things aren't terrible either, I guess. Things are just blah. I could go on. I could go into detail. I do not wish to bore anyone or cause anyone to feel pity for me. I am not here to go on about my life's drama. I know too much that everyone has their own life's drama to be burdened by someone else's, especially someone they've never even met. Hope everyone's holiday season is as good as it can be. There's no promise from me that I will get to post again before the New Year but I'm not saying I won't.

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