Sunday, January 31, 2010

I needed to vent, sorry

I didn't get much writing done last night, reached a certain scene and just couldn't find the words.  I 've been under a great deal of stress lately and the worst part is I shouldn't be the one stressed out.  My mother is out of her "medicine" (it's not medicine unless you live in a state that can perscribe it legally and Florida is not one of those states) and so I get to hear her gripe and moan all day.  It's not that she complains about any physical pain or anything like that, no it's the same thing everyday, all day long, and mostly only when she doesn't have her "medicine".  I understand she's depressed but she's not even tried to get help and doesn't want to take advice from my sister or me.  I am nearly to the point where I'm just about ready to give up on her as she is now accusing me and my sister of conspiring with my father against her.  See he left her nearly six years ago, after she found out he'd been cheating on her for at least a year and after they'd been together for twenty years.  I understand that's terrible and a very traumatic thing but, seriously, enough is enough and I don't feel like going crazy because she refuses to get help for herself.

I'm not trying to sound uncaring but if I see my father and she finds out all hell breaks lose.  Nearly six years I've dealt with this in my life, even when I didn't live with her before me and my other half lost our house.  So I ask you, how would you deal with this situation?

Well enough fuming for me. Eventhough the stress may halt my writing sometimes, at least I can rest my mind and pick right back up later.  I just have to remember to let my mind rest and not force it to work.

I am going to do something productive now :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm a newbie :)

Well as I said, I'm new to the blogging community. I tried it a few times on Myspace and didn't really get the feel for it but, as I was overwhelmed with apps on Myspace, I had little time to worry about it there. I have been thinking for awhile about blogging though, so I have finally broke down to the urge and here I am.

With this first post I will let you know a little about who I am and things I like. I believe that nothing is perfect and even if perfection really existed nothing good would come of it. People need flaws in their life; mistakes. No one would learn or accomplish anything if everything were perfect. Also, beauty would not exist if flaws weren't there to allow you to see it. Be accepting of every mistake you make and know that you learned something; that maybe next time you can use that knowledge and possibly succeed.

Here is a list of things I like (some may say useless knowledge but I think helps this blog to be a little more personal):

movie Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
actor comedy Jerry Lewis, in general Peter Facinelli
song The Night Chicago Died by Paper Lace (1974)
band I love all kinds of music so choosing is hard but let's say Papa Roach
TV show too many to chose from (Burn Notice, House, Glee, Fringe, NCIS, Law and Order: SVU, L&O: CI, etc., etc., etc.)
Color Green in just about any shade

Okay well I can go on listing forever probably, lol, so let's leave it at that.

I am an aspiring writer and I'm working on my first novel, after several attempts in the past that failed due to low self-esteem. I have faith in myself now that I will finish writing my novel and hope that people will want to read that story. Though I am still in the process of just writing and won't be ready for an agent and publisher for awhile, I have prepared myself that rejection is a part of the writing industry and know just because one or ten or even thirty people don't like my story that there is a possibility that someone might. So giving up, for me, is no longer an option and as long as I am able to try I will. It's no good to think you're not good enough.

That's a little about me :) I will try to blog everyday but that's no guarantee I will be able to and maybe someday I will have they hang of this. Well I'm off to go do some writing ;)