Sunday, January 17, 2016

Halfborn update

So, I know I haven't posted in sometime, and my last post was not the greatest. I was at an extremely low point. Also, I haven't posted anything in forever about Halfborn. I'm certain many have thought I've completely given up on writing. I haven't and I've been working on it in between bouts of slumps. While Halfborn is nearly done, this doesn't necessarily mean it will be ready for publishing next month or anything, it still needs work. I have all intentions to have it completed and self-published or have it considered by traditional publisher before the end of the year; I haven't decided the details. I don't even know if it would be considered by traditionals at this point.

What I'm here today writing for is, a little over a month ago, I started posting chapters of Halfborn on Write On by Kindle. After receiving an email about it, and doing some research, I decided it was a good place to get some honest feedback on the story. To clean it up and make sure the story is the best it can be. It's marked as adult, so you have to be signed in to view. But, if you have an Amazon account, you've already technically got an account with Write On. As you just sign in with you're Amazon username, since it's run by them.

I've got eight chapters up, so far. I've been posting a chapter a week, for the most part. If you're interested in reading it before it's published, and possibly giving some feedback or constructive criticism, or if you just want to let me know what you think, just follow the link I'm providing. Thank you, if you choose to do so.

Halfborn on Write On