Monday, March 21, 2011


I might create a new blog. It will be strictly fiction writings; tidbits from my current wip, possibly poems and maybe short stories. Kind of what this blog Day by Day turned into, I've found I am not good at posting a daily blog or a blog revolving around my life. My life is just too boring to write about and I usually only complain about stupid things that bother me. So, while I may rarely add a post to this particular blog, it will not be a priority. Not that's its really been one lately, anyhow. I don't know when I will get the new blog started or even for a fact that it will happen but if I do, hopefully it will be soon. It's just a matter of having the time to do so. Well, that's all for now or else I'm going to go into a rant about how crappy things are, I really hate seeing all the negative around me but when everything that surrounds you appears to be negative that's usually all you see. I suppose there are good things in my life but they just seem to be outweighed by the bad. See I'm not very optimistic, lol. Wait, a bit of good news, I have a baby goat due to be delivered any day now :-)